Dotação e talento, Dupla excepcionalidade, Estudantes duplamente excepcionais (2E)Abstract
Studies on twice exceptionality have grown in the literature on the education of the gifted and talented. Twice- exceptional students (2E) demonstrates high abilities in one or more areas associated with a disability and need socio-emotional and academic interventions that address both exceptionalities. The aim of this integrative review of the international literature, published from 2018 to 2020, was to identify care practices, specifically, in the socio-emotional sphere, for this audience. Thirteen articles were found (N=13). Of this total, only four (N=4) were results of empirical research. The results showed that (i) 2E students need different support, at school and in the family, aiming at cognitive, social and emotional development. (ii) There is little empirical evidence on specific interventions for this audience. (iii) Interventions, in the socio-emotional sphere, are necessary not only for the socio-emotional well-being of 2E students but also for the improvement of academic performance. (iv) Effective interventions must focus on talent and potential while providing support for academic and socio-emotional needs. It is possible to conclude that empirical and intervention research is needed that can establish causal relationships between strategies and outcomes in the socio-emotional and academic development of 2E students.
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