



History of Brazil, Brazilian People, Darcy Ribeiro


This study is configured as a reading of Darcy Ribeiro's work entitled - O povo brasileiro: a formação e o sentido do Brasil (The brazilian people: the formation and meaning of Brazil). It is through this reading that the theme of the formation and meaning of Brazil is investigated. The study is of a bibliographical nature, with a hermeneutic approach. It is an approach that tries to understand the theoretical-methodological focus used by Ribeiro in the production of the historiographical writing, as well as to analyze the content of this production itself in relation to the characterization of Brazilian society. With such an undertaking, the original value of the method in the production of a historiographical writing on the constitution of the Brazilian people is understood, which seeks to highlight the need for a critical social theory to understand our historical and cultural constitution in a non-ethnocentric way. After reading the work, we have a better understanding of today's Brazil, and we have become more aware of the historical matrices that constitute class exploitation, cultural domination, and ethnic and racial discrimination.


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Author Biographies

Sidinei Pithan da Silva , UNIJUÍ-RS

Doutor em Educação (UFPR). Professor da Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil) - UNIJUÍ-RS.

Celso José Martinazzo, UNIJUÍ-RS

Doutor em Educação (UFRGS). Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil) - UNIJUÍ-RS.

Hedi Maria Luft , Unibalsas

Doutora em Educação (UNISINOS). Faculdade de Balsas/Unibalsas (Brasil).


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How to Cite

Pithan da Silva , S. ., Martinazzo, C. J. . ., & Luft , H. M. (2022). DARCY RIBEIRO AND THE BRAZILIAN PEOPLE. APRENDER - Caderno De Filosofia E Psicologia Da Educação, (28), 180-188. https://doi.org/10.22481/aprender.i28.11829