Determinants for brazilian entrepreneurship: an analysis by sectors


  • Rodrigo Monteiro da Silva
  • Luciana Aparecida Bastos



Entrepreneurship. Economic sectors. Chances ratio., L26, C81, C25


Entrepreneurship has long been discussed in economic science and gained great prominence when, from the second half of the 20th century, it was understood that entrepreneurs who bring innovation to the economic system positively influence economic growth and development. Given this context, this research aims to verify which are the determinants of entrepreneurship in Brazil, disaggregating such analysis into 6 economic sectors. Using data from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey for the year 2020 and applying a logistic model and odds ratio, the main results show that factors such as being a man, white and head of household positively affect the probability of individual to be an entrepreneur, but this effect is not even analyzed across sectors. It can also be seen that education reduced the probability of becoming an entrepreneur, however, this relationship was inverted after 14 years of schooling for men and 15 for women.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Monteiro da Silva

Doutorando em Teoria Econômica PCE(UEM).

Luciana Aparecida Bastos

Professora Associada da Universidade Estadual do Paraná.


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How to Cite

Monteiro da Silva, R. ., & Aparecida Bastos, L. . (2022). Determinants for brazilian entrepreneurship: an analysis by sectors. Cadernos De Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, 19(33), 57-76.


