Biodiesel production from oil palm


  • Jerisnaldo Matos Lopes
  • José Roberto Tavares Sampaio



Produção, Dendê, Biodiesel, Óleo de palma, PNOP


This article provides an overview of the oil palm culture, covering succinctly the palm oil production, being derived biodiesel in the oil substitution, especially in European countries. It was possible to point out that the indiscriminate use of palm oil may cause imbalance in biodiversity and the biosphere in general. We also highlight in the Brazil, the relevance of the National Program for Palm Oil (PNOP), their style of management trissetores and difficulties in social relationships, economic conditions and the distribution of roles. To compose this text, we support in literature and secondary data query on the subjectcountries. It was possible to point out that the indiscriminate use of palm oil may cause imbalance in biodiversity and the biosphere in general. As reports importance of ethics and responsibility in the use of child labor in some Asian countries. Within Brazil, it was important to point out the National Program for Palm Oil - PNOP, their style of management trissetores and difficulties in social relationships, economic conditions and the distribution of roles. To compose this text, supported in literature and secondary data query on the subject.


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Author Biographies

Jerisnaldo Matos Lopes

Mestre com Linha de Pesquisa em Ética e Gestão. Doutor em Desenvolvimento Regional e Urbano. Pós-Doutorando em Propriedade Intelectual e Transferência de Tecnologia para Inovação (PROFNIT). 

José Roberto Tavares Sampaio

Mestre em Tecnologias Aplicáveis à Bioenergia. Aluno Especial do Doutorado Multidisciplinar em Difusão do Conhecimento (UFBA/UNEB/IFBA). 



How to Cite

Lopes, J. M., & Sampaio, J. R. T. (2020). Biodiesel production from oil palm. Cadernos De Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, 17(29), p. 23-36.