The (in)visibility of the disabled body monstrosity in/for the history and the production of meanings in the contemporary times
Disabled people, Monstrosity, Memória discursiva, Análise do DiscursoAbstract
Following the theoretical assumptions of Michel Foucault, we take as the object of reflection the disabled people, disquieted by the strategies and linguistic-discursive mechanisms that promote the (in)visibility of disabled people in/for the history. In this text, we aim at understanding the monstrosity of the body as a device whose techniques are molded and updated according to the policy investment dispensed to the disabled people in specific production conditions. Therefore, we raise the living conditions of the discourses that constitute the monstrosity of the disabled body until the nineteenth century and discussed, from statements actually produced, how this lokking regime produces senses in other production conditions.
KEYWORDS: Disabled people; Monstrosity; Discursive Memory; Discourse Analysis.
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