“From a woman to another”: a critical discourse analysis of Maria Leticia’s identity representation through an advertising post by Marisa clothing store
Critical Discourse Analysis. Genre. Recontextualization. Advertising post. Performances.Abstract
This paper investigates the way the bodies and the speeches by the former first lady Marisa Letícia and the former president Lula and their actions are socially produced through the discourse genre advertising post. This post was published on May 11th, 2017, by the Marisa Clothing Store marketing staff in its official Facebook page and it recontextualizes a social event: Lula’s testimonial, occurred on May 10, 2017, recontextualized through the following utterance: “if your mother is left without a gift, do not blame Marisa”. This research uses as theoretical-methodological approach the Textually Oriented Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001; 2003); (CHOULIARAKI&FAIRCLOUGH, 1999) and by discussions on performances of feminilities (BUTLER, 2010).
KEYWORDS: Critical Discourse Analysis; Genre; Recontextualization; Advertising Post; Performance.
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