The emotional expression in Down syndrome people: acoustic analysis of happiness and sadness




Acoustic analysis; Emotions; Melodic contour; Down syndrome


Emotions can be expressed by all individuals. The speech conveys important information about a message and prosodic cues help in the understanding of what is being said. People with Down syndrome exhibit alterations in the global development, which implicate difficulties in language and communication. This study aims to analyze joyful and sad speech through acoustic analysis of the melodic contour of sentences spoken by people with and without Down syndrome. Data showed that people with Down syndrome exhibited differences in the melodic setting of at least one of the investigated emotions compared to people without the syndrome. 


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Author Biographies

Marian Oliveira, State University of Southwest of Bahia (Uesb/Brazil)

Marian Oliveira holds a PhD in Linguistics from the State University of Campinas, in the area of Phonology and Phonology, with research related to Down syndrome and vowel production. She holds a Master's in Literature and Linguistics from the Federal University of Bahia, a sociolinguistic concentration area. She is a full professor at the State University of Southwest of Bahia and a professor in the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics (PPGLin) and ProfLetras-UESB. He coordinates research projects on the phonetic-phonological system of people with Down syndrome. He coordinates the Nucleus Project for Research and Studies in Down Syndrome - Saber Down.

Vera Pacheco, State University of Southwest of Bahia (Uesb/Brazil)

Vera Pacheco is a PhD and Master in Linguistics from the State University of Campinas. He completed postdoctoral studies at the Paulista University Júlio de Mesquita Filho / Araraquara. He is currently a professor at the State University of Southwest of Bahia. She graduated in Linguistics and Literature from the State University of Campinas. He has experience in Linguistics, with emphasis in Theory and Linguistic Analysis, mainly acting in the following subjects: acoustic analysis, speech perception and prosody.

Thaís Ferreira Brito, State University of Southwest of Bahia (Uesb/Brazil)

Thaís Ferreira Brito holds a Masters in Linguistics from the State University of Bahia (UESB) and a specialization in Education and Learning Psychology from Universidade Cândido Mendes.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, M.; PACHECO, V.; BRITO, T. F. The emotional expression in Down syndrome people: acoustic analysis of happiness and sadness. Language Studies, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 2, p. 87-102, 2019. DOI: 10.22481/el.v17i2.5337. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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