Epistemic parenthetical constructions in Angolan and Mozambican Portuguese: convergences and divergences
Construções parentéticas epistêmicas, Linguística centrada no uso, Abordagem construcional, Esquematicidade., Português angolano e moçambicanoAbstract
This paper aims to analyze, concerning to a parameter schematicity, quasi-assertive epistemic parenthetical constructions originated from verbal clauses in Portuguese, instantiated by microconstructions such as (eu) creio que, (eu) acho que, (eu) penso que on the one hand, and(eu) creio, (eu) acho, (eu) penso on the other. In order to analyze these constructions, it is assumed as a theoretical-methodological support the Usage-Based Functional Linguistics, with emphasis on the constructional approach of grammar and linguistic change. The research is based on empirical occurrences of Angolan and Mozambican varieties from contemporary Portuguese, extracted from the database of the Corpus do Português. The results show that: (i) the constructional network of the analyzed parentheticals presents two subschemas: [(SUJP1)VEpist Compl]Parent e [(SUJP1)VEpist]Parent; (ii) both subschemas occur in Angolan and Mozambican Portuguese, with differences in productivity; (iii) in microconstructions, the most frequent epistemic verbs are achar (Mozambican Portuguese) and crer (Angolan and Mozambican Portuguese).
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