Neoanalysis and analogization in the formation of discursive markers of Portuguese




Neoanalysis. Analogization. Discoursive markers. Grammatical construction.


Description and analysis of contexts of use, in terms of Diewald and Smirnova (2012), which led to the conventionalization of the discursive marker construction formed by verbal element of visual sense and optional affixoid element, coded in the scheme [Vv(X)af]MD. Based on the LFCU, in terms of Traugott and Trousdale (2013), Bybee (2010; 2015), Hilpert (2014), among others, in qualitative bias, this construction is approached in hierarchical terms, from the cline schema >  subschema > micro-construction. For this, three specific types are selected: olha, olha lá and olha só, representatives, respectively, of the subsystems [Vv ]MD, [VvLocaf]MD and [VvFocaf]MD. As a result of our investigation, we found that neoanalysis of different nature, both micro-steps and analogization, contributed, in the language trajectory, to the configuration of the network of this scheme, expanding the paradigm of the Portuguese MDs.


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Author Biographies

Mariangela Rios de Oliveira, Fluminense Federal University (UFF)

Mariangela Rios de Oliveira has a PhD in Vernacular Letters from UFRJ, with a post-doctorate at Universidade Aberta (Lisbon). Full professor of Portuguese Language at UFF, permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Language Studies at UFF. Visiting Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Letters and Linguistics at UERJ, from 2019. CNPq researcher and scientist from Nosso Estado by Faperj. She has experience in the area of Linguistics, with an emphasis on Theory and Linguistic Analysis, acting mainly on the following themes: Portuguese language, functionalism, lexical and grammatical construction, morphosyntax and adverbs.

Vania Rosana Mattos Sambrana, Fluminense Federal University (UFF/Brazil)

Vania Rosana Mattos Sambrana has a master's degree in language studies. She is a PhD student (2017-2021) of the Postgraduate Program in Language Studies at Fluminense Federal University (UFF / Brazil). Full professor at the State Education Secretariat of Rio de Janeiro and the Municipal Education Secretariat of the City of Rio de Janeiro, working in Portuguese language teaching (elementary and high school). Member of the Discourse & Grammar Study Group (D & G / UFF / RJ). Area of interest: the constitution of Portuguese morphosyntax in correlation with discursive-pragmatic factors, from the perspective of Functional Linguistics Centered on Use (LFCU).


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, M. R. de; SAMBRANA, V. R. M. Neoanalysis and analogization in the formation of discursive markers of Portuguese. Language Studies, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 1, p. 25-44, 2020. DOI: 10.22481/el.v18i1.6126. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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