Difference, simulacrum and thought: the proposal of the dramatization method





Difference; Simulacrum; Thought; Dramatization method.


This article is configured as an attempt to present the perspective of thought present in the proposal of the dramatization method by Gilles Deleuze, which is done by a positive valuation of the idea of ​​difference and simulacrum. Therefore, we will present the Platonic considerations around the passage of time and the permanence, present in the theory of forms, that support the search for truth in the representative thought method, as well the criticisms of this model, made by the philosopher Gilles Deleuze under discussion contained in the appendix of the work “Logic of the sense” (1969), with its proposal of to reverse the Platonism. Then, we bring the text “The dramatization method” (1967) to extract from it the presentation of a new way of thinking that, based on the proposal of valuation the pure difference, breaks with a will to truth based on transcendent and moral foundations, and presents a condition of thought immanent to existence, valuing the body, its encounters and its experiences.


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Author Biographies

Amanda Souza Ávila Lobo, State University of Southwest of Bahia (UESB/Brazil)

Amanda Souza Ávila Lobo, PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in Memory: Language and Society, State University of Southwest Bahia (PPGMLS/UESB). She is a Memory Master through the same program. University Technician at the State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB). She is a member of the Research Groups: Cinema and Audiovisual: Memory and Processes of Cultural Formation (UESB) and Culture, Memory and Development (UNB). She is a member of the Cineclube cinema-minor (RJ). She is a FAPESB Scholar.

Danilo Moraes Lobo, State University of Southwest of Bahia (UESB/Brazil)

Danilo Moraes Lobo is a PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in Memory: Language and Society, State University of Southwest Bahia (PPGMLS/UESB). He is a Memory Master through the same program. University Technician at the State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB). He is a member of the Research Groups: Cinema and Audiovisual: Memory and Processes of Cultural Formation (UESB) and Culture, Memory and Development (UNB). He is a member of the Cineclube cinema-minor (RJ). He is a FAPESB Scholar.

Milene de Cássia Silveira Gusmão, State University of Southwest of Bahia (UESB/Brazil)

Milene de Cássia Silveira Gusmão holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). She is a Full Professor at the State University of Southwest Bahia. She is a Professor of the undergraduate course in Cinema and Audiovisual. She is a professor and researcher at the Graduate Program in Memory: Language and Society (UESB). She coordinates the Interinstitutional Masters in Memory: Language and Society (UESB / IFMA agreement). Leader of the Research Group on Cinema and Audiovisual: Memory and Cultural Formation Processes. Researcher at the Culture, Memory and Development Research Group (CMD/UnB). Member of the Latin American Network in Education, Film and Audiovisual – Kino Network.


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How to Cite

LOBO, A. S. Ávila; LOBO, D. M.; GUSMÃO, M. de C. S. Difference, simulacrum and thought: the proposal of the dramatization method. Language Studies, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 1, p. 95-111, 2021. DOI: 10.22481/el.v19i1.9153. Disponível em: https://periodicos2.uesb.br/index.php/estudosdalinguagem/article/view/9153. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.