
  • Evando Luiz e Silva Soares Rocha Universidade Federal do Piauí (Uespi)




Objetos de discurso; Propaganda; Referenciação.


The activity of constructing objects of discourse in the dynamics of communication requires considering cognitive and socio-discursive aspects of languages. In this way, the objective is to demonstrate the discursive construction of referents in verbal-imagery texts of propagandas. The question raised about the way references are constructed in texts of the advertising genre points to the assertion that the historical and sociocultural context affects the meanings and the negotiated and updated reference in the texts. A qualitative and descriptive research was carried out, based on the vast literature in the area of ​​referencing, so we highlight the contributions of: Mondada and Dubois (2003), Cavalcante (2012), Custódio Filho e Silva (2013), Lima (2017), Ciulla and Martins (2017), Martins (2019), among others that discuss and expand the understanding of the subject of referencing. Regarding gender, we base ourselves on Sousa (2005) and Marcuschi (2008). The corpus constituted for the analyzes is formed by 03 (three) verbal-imagery texts of propagandas that thematize banking services, collected randomly in specialized sites. The study demonstrated that, whether explicit or not, objects of discourse are constructed/negotiated and updated in and through interaction.


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Author Biography

Evando Luiz e Silva Soares Rocha, Universidade Federal do Piauí (Uespi)

Mestre em Letras pela Universidade Estadual do Piauí (Uespi).


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How to Cite

Rocha, E. L. e S. S. (2022). A CONSTRUÇÃO DA REFERÊNCIA EM TEXTOS DO GÊNERO PROPAGANDA. fólio - Revista De Letras, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.22481/folio.v14i1.10782