Crítica biográfica fronteiriça, Exterioridade, Homossexualidade, Mil rosas roubadas, Silviano SantiagoAbstract
This work aims to (re)read the novel Mil rosas roubadas (2014) by the writer Silviano Santiago in the wake of the concepts of friendship (DERRIDA, 2003) (ORTEGA, 2009), exteriority (NOLASCO, 2015) (MIGNOLO, 2003) and homosexuality (LOPES, 2002) (ORTEGA, 2002) supported by a Critical biographical epistemology frontier by excellence. By cross-border biographical critique, we understand the confluence of postcolonial studies with biographical critics in the light of a locus of Brazilian and exclusively Latin American enunciation: the south-frontier. Thus, our intention is to reflect on the aforementioned work using reflections pertinent to the subjectivities of both the novel and, above all, the relation of this with the life of the author, a homosexual subject who thinks, produces and creates from this identity-biographical place, biographical sensibilities. Thus, our proposal is engendered in a composite, transdisciplinary and metaphorical perspective derived from biographical criticism (SOUZA, 2002) and, moreover, it is based on a transferential view among critical, homosexuals, who think of the southern border of Brazil and the homosexual intellectual who erects his literature from a place marked by externality, that is, an artistic-cultural production extrinsic to the modern, hetero-normative, hegemonic and standardized precepts of socially crystallized subjectivity and identity. To that end, we will use an eminently bibliographical methodology based on theorists, among others, such as Edgar Cézar Nolasco, Juliano Garcia Pessanha, Francisco Ortega, Jacques Derrida, Walter Mignolo, Eneida Maria de Souza and Denilson Lopes.
2. EVARISTO, Conceição. Em entrevista ao ‘Nexo’, escritora fala sobre memória, vivência, escrita e os avanços e lutas do movimento negro. Disponível em: https://www.nexojornal.com.br/entrevista/2017/05/26/Concei%C3%A7%C3%A3o-Evaristo-%E2%80%98minha-escrita-%C3%A9-contaminada-pela-condi%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-mulher-negra%E2%80%99. Acesso em: 20 abr. 2019.
3. LOPES, Denilson. O homem que amava rapazes: e outros ensaios. Rio de Janeiro: Aeroplano, 2002.
4. MIGNOLO, Walter. Histórias locais/projetos globais: colonialidade, saberes subalternos e pensamento liminar. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2003.
5. NOLASCO, Edgar Cézar. Crítica biográfica fronteiriça (Brasil/Paraguai/Bolívia). CADERNOS DE ESTUDOS CULTURAIS: Brasil/Paraguai/Bolívia, Campo Grande: UFMS, v. 7, n. 14, p. 47-63, jul./dez. 2015.
6. ORTEGA, Francisco. Genealogias da amizade. São Paulo: Editora Iluminuras, 2002.
7. ORTEGA, Francisco. Amizade e estética da existência em Foucault. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Graal, 1999.
8. ORTEGA, Francisco. Para uma política da amizade: Arendt, Derrida, Foucault. Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumará, 2009.
9. SANTIAGO, Silviano. Mil rosas roubadas. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2014.
10. PESSANHA, Juliano Garcia. Recusa do não-lugar. São Paulo: Editora UBU, 2018.
11. SOUZA, Eneida Maria de. Crítica cult. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2002.
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