Língua Portuguesa;, Livro Didático;, Gêneros Digitais.Abstract
This article is synthesis of a Master's dissertation in Education, which aimed to analyze the digital textual genres that are addressed by Portuguese language textbooks, in the final years of elementary school. It is a qualitative research of the case study type and was developed in a public school in the municipal education system, in a city on the southern coast of the State of Alagoas. To achieve the objective, documentary analysis and meetings in focus groups with Portuguese language teachers who worked in elementary school were carried out. The methodological procedures used were documentary analysis of textbook volumes from the sixth to the ninth year of elementary school, as well as interviews with teachers. To understand the concepts of the speech genres, we used Bakhtin (1997, 2016), Marcuschi (2008, 2010) and Miller (2012) as a basis. As for the specific knowledge of digital genres, we rely on Marcuschi and Xavier (2010). The results show that textbooks from the sixth to the ninth year present the digital genres, however, it is only in the sixth year book that this type of genre is worked in a more meaningful way, in the others they are cited as pretext to work with others language categories. They also point out that the textbooks for elementary school provide guidance on the use of digital genres in elementary school classes. We also found that teachers have a positive perception of the textbook used by the school and that they have knowledge about digital genres and use them in practice.
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