Educação etnico-racial; Ensino da literatura infantil e juvenil; Políticas afirmativasAbstract
This paper discusses racial relations in teaching of children´s and young literature in Brazil. Based on the laws 10.639/2003 and 11.645/2008, which require that Brazilian schools teach the history and culture of Afro-Brazilians and Native Nations, we seek to problematize the applied research project From Reader To Reader , considering the effectiveness of the cited laws and the receiving of the African and Afro-Brazilian literary books brought together in Kit Afro: an affirmative policy of democratization of the access to literary production for diversity implemented by the Municipal Teaching Network of Belo Horizonte . Our discussions are guided by studies about etnic and racial relations in Brazil (GOMES, 2012), Critical Discourse Analysis(VAN DIJK, 2008) and Teaching Literature (OLIVEIRA, 2015;2016) and intercultural and decolonial pedagogy (HOPENHAY, 2009; WALSH, 2017). Based on the reviews and evaluations produced, we point out the linguistic-ideological awareness of the students involved.
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