


PFOL; Monitoria em sala; Identidades docentes; Formação de professores


The present text analyzes responses from students of the Portuguese-English course, who acted as in class student-monitors in Portuguese for Speakers of Other Languages ​​(PFOL), from the Federal University of Technology - Paraná, Campus Curitiba (UTFPR-CT). The article seeks to identify the views of student-monitors on the relevance of their participation in the monitorship of PFOL-UTFPR-CT. For this, we organized the text as follows: first, we present the organization of the article, expressing the general idea and exposing the parts that integrate this study. Then, we discuss legal and institutional texts on monitorship and give voice to our perspective of working with in class monitorship. In addition, we establish relationships between monitorship and teacher training by taking into account Lave and Wenger (2001) and Johnson and Golombek (2016) works regarding situated learning; Schön (1992), Pérez Gómez (1992), Gimenez (2005) , Halu (2010) and Zamboni (2013)  on their views on reflective teacher and, more specifically, the concepts of reflection in action and reflection on reflection in action, by Schön (1992). The methodology used was an open questionnaire, with 12 questions, from an interpretive perspective (LESSA DE OLIVEIRA, 2008; NEVES, 2015). The analyzes reveal that the monitorship is embedded in the theoretical and practical subjects of the undergraduation course of Portuguese and English (which, many times, are not addressed within the course’s syllabus). In addition, although we find converging points between the responses, we also observe particular identities in each of them.


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Author Biographies

Elisa Novaski Cordeiro, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR)

Doutora em Estudos Linguísticos pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Professora Titular da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR).

Jeniffer Imaregna Alcantara de Albuquerque, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR)

Doutora em Psicolinguística pela Universidade Federal do Rrio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Professora Assistente da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR).

Fernanda Deah Chichorro Baldin, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR)

Doutoranda em Estudos Linguísticos pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. Mestre em Estudos Literários pela mesma Instituição. Professora adjunta da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR).


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How to Cite

Novaski Cordeiro, E., Albuquerque, J. I. A. de, & Baldin, F. D. C. (2020). MONITORIA EM SALA: UMA AÇÃO DE FORMAÇÃO DOCENTE. fólio - Revista De Letras, 12(1).