In this paper, a case study is presented (MINAYO, 1994) which objective is to identify and interpret the didactic gestures evidenced in the Portuguese language teacher’s speech during the interventions that aimed to direct students to the written production of the fantastic tale text genre. Therefore, this article relies on the discussions proposed by Sociodiscursive Interactionism, regarding to the conditions of the text production and the enunciative marks asserted by Bronckart (1999). Then, based on the Didactics of Languages assumptions, the notion of didactic gestures is discussed. In this sense, this article is a research based on the qualitative paradigm of science (MINAYO, 2009), with ethnographic basis (MATTOS, 2011). The generation of the data took place in two stages: (1) semi-structured interview; (2) filming of a class taught by the participant, in a class of the third year of high school from an Integral Citizen School located in the city of Campina Grande - PB. Based on this study, it was possible to observe that, during the class in question, the teacher triggered the gestures of creating didactic memory (internal and external), regulation, implementation of the didactic device, institutionalization and task formulation; which unfolded in specific didactic gestures. These gestures signal the management performed by the teacher with regard to the guidelines for the written production of the story, in view of the interaction context in which the fantastic tale is inserted.
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