Bernardo Bertolucci; Caio Fernando Abreu; Clarice Lispector; Representações amorosas; Triângulo.Abstract
Romantic relationships have undergone intense restructuring over the centuries. These restructurings made, according to Matos (2000), contemporary love bonds gain new configurations, including openness in relationships, which can mean from the mobility of roles for the provider and caregiver of the home, through marriages in which the partners live in homes separated until the conception of polyamory - which breaks the paradigm of the couple and inserts other shapes (triangle, quadrilha etc) in the affective unions. Trying to read these new structures, this section analyzes the love triangles present in the short story “O corpo”, by Clarice Lispector, “Triângulo em cravo e flauta doce” by Caio Fernando Abreu, and in the film The dreamers, by director Bernardo Bertolucci. From the reading and bibliographic analysis of references such as Engels (1984), Matos (2000) and Lins (2012), it is possible to establish an overview of relationships and what we know today as an opening pact in loving relationships. It also seeks to understand the tragic fate that encloses the narratives that approach different unions, in view of the notion of polyamory that emerges in the contemporary landscape of affects as a possibility. It is intended, therefore, to contribute to the dissemination of scientific research related to the study of romantic relationships, fostering discussions about changes in affective pacts.
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