Formação docente inicial; Representações sociais; Estágio supervisionado de Língua Portuguesa.Abstract
This article aimed to analyze and discuss the social representations of oneself and of being a teacher of Portuguese Language in statements of students from the seventh semester of a Language course at a public university already in the supervised internship phase. Thus, to achieve this goal, we applied a semi-structured questionnaire to the referred students for the collection of data and formation of a corpus of analysis. The research, of a qualitative-interpretative character, had as its theoretical framework the Bakhtinian assumptions about the dialogism and the Social Representations Theory (TRS) of Moscovici (2012, 2015) and the studies on teacher training, based on Schön ( 2000) and Tardif (2014). The analyzes showed us that some students, although already in the exercise of the first supervised internship, have a representation of being a teacher as a sacrificed, unfair, but heroic profession and do not have a representation of themselves as future teachers working in the teaching profession.
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