


Capacity Development. Teaching argumentation. Different Trends.


This article aims to discuss the concept of capacity, reflecting on the contributions of the different aspects found in the literature so that we can delimit how these works present the concept of argumentation and its application in teaching. This reflection proves to be opportune because it allows us to question the foundations that should support the development of students' abilities at school and contribute, in future research, to the organization of content and teaching-learning methodologies for argumentation. The bibliographic methodology allowed mapping, collating and discussing concepts that encompass the notions of ability, capacity and competence exclusively directed to the act of arguing, such as distinctly found in Kuhn (1991), Golder (1992), Dolz (1994; 1996), Camps and Dolz (1995), Felton and Kuhn (2001), Hample (2003), Kuhn and Udell (2003), Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) and Azevedo (2013; 2016; 2019). The results allowed us to observe that the main gaps found regarding the teaching of argumentation from the perspective of capabilities can be minimized by understanding its dispersion in different perspectives.


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Author Biographies

Sheyla Fabrícia Alves Lima, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (Uesc)

Doutoranda em Letras pela Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (Uesc).

Eduardo Lopes Piris, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (Uesc)

Doutorado em Filologia e Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade de São Paulo (Usp). Professor Titular nível A da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (Uesc).


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