Fieldwork as a tool for understanding socio-spatial transformations: the case of organic fairs in the city of Porto Alegre – RS




Fieldwork, Socio-Spatial Transformations, Organic Fairs, Geography


The article is based on the conception that fieldwork didactic-pedagogical is an essential tool for understanding the socio-spatial transformations. As very important technique for geographic studies, the discussions about the key role of fieldwork have always been present throughout the development of the discipline. The fieldwork can be used as a didactic-pedagogical technique or methodological part of research, it is through it that theory approaches reality. In this regard, this article aims to present the example of undergraduate students’ field activities at organic fairs in Porto Alegre city. In addition to demonstrating the importance of the activity in these places, the analyses also indicate the importance of fieldwork planning for the development of students as researchers.


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Author Biographies

Michele Lindner, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil

Professor at the Department of Geography at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Researcher in the NEAG research groups - Nucleus for Agrarian Studies -UFRGS, Rural Non-Agricultural Markets - UFRGS and Rede DATALUTA - UNESP. Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2004), Specialization in Geosciences from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2007), Master in Rural Extension from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2007), Ph.D. in Geography from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP Rio Claro (2011), with Sandwich period at the University of Lisbon (2010) and Post-Doctorate in the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2018).



Flamarion Dutra Alves, Universidade Federal de Alfenas-UNIFAL-Alfenas-Brasil

Associate Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Geography (PPGEO) at the Federal University of Alfenas. Leader of the Research Group "Regional and Sociospatial Studies Group - GERES" at UNIFAL/MG. Permanent Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of São João Del Rei (UFSJ). Member of the Agrarian Studies Network - REA. Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2004). Master in Rural Extension from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2006). PhD in Geography (2007-2010) in the area of concentration: Space Organization by Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" Campus Rio Claro


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How to Cite

LINDNER, M.; ALVES, F. D. Fieldwork as a tool for understanding socio-spatial transformations: the case of organic fairs in the city of Porto Alegre – RS. Geopauta, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. e8073, 2021. DOI: 10.22481/rg.v5i3.e2021.e8073. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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