Monoculture of the eucalyptus in the degradation of nature and work’s social forces, in the Pardo river basin, municipality of Encruzilhada/BA
Capitalism, Agribusiness, WorkAbstract
In the capitalist crisis, there is an intensification of the conflicts for ambiental resources, provoking the nature exploration. Lands concentration and the salaried employment changes the concrete work's principles, causing disagreement. In the municipality of Encruzilhada/BA, the eucalyptus in the logging logic for charcoal production exports the natural resources causing the unsustainability of this model. The society-work-nature relation becomes fundamental to explain the ways of subjection of the peasants to capitalism, this comprehension allows the understanding of the real concrete experienced in the agribusiness territory. With these collisions, the peasants attempt to resist, remaining in the countryside, through civil society organizations, via associativism, social movements, non-governmental organizations and churches.
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