Vegetation pyramid for phytogeographic representation in the Três Irmãos municipal park, Terra Rica-PR




phytogeographic survey, Socio-environmental dynamics, biogeography


Morro Três Irmãos, in Terra Rica-PR, is located in the northwest of Paraná, under the Atlantic Forest in the interior, with the main physiognomy being the Semideciduous Seasonal Forest, with the presence of floristic elements typical of a vegetation enclave. The application of the phytosociological study in this area aims to analyze the most relevant characteristics of the area and its present conditions, using the technique of graphical representation of vegetation pyramids. The field survey was carried out according to the relevant methodology, generating a comparative analysis of the evolution of the vegetation in the area. The study resulted in qualitative and quantitative information located spatially and temporally, such as the abundance, frequency, dominance and diversity indices, in addition to the so-called species importance value, representing the vegetation of the vertically collected points.


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Author Biographies

Elissandro Voigt Beier, Universidade Estadual de Maringá- Paraná-Brasil

Doctoral Student in Geography at UEM-Paraná-Brazil

Maria Eugênia Moreira Costa Ferreira, Universidade Estadual de Maringá- Paraná-Brasil

PhD Professor at the Department of Geography at the State University of Maringá.


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How to Cite

BEIER, E. V.; FERREIRA, M. E. M. C. . Vegetation pyramid for phytogeographic representation in the Três Irmãos municipal park, Terra Rica-PR. Geopauta, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 4, p. e9689, 2021. DOI: 10.22481/rg.v5i4.e2021.e9689. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



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