Meeting of the multiplicity in supermodernity in the geo-photographies of the being-mangrove in the ZEIS — Ilha de Deus, Recife-PE




Multiplicity, Supermodernity, Geophotografies, Being-mangrove, Ilha de Deus


It travels through existing cities, from a supermodern view; we can find traces of spaces placed in a solitude managed by the hegemonic collective. Producing non-places, empty spaces and — as we identify — empty spaces or meaningless-places. From this point of view, the present work aims to find, through schizoanalytic reason n-1, the multiplicities of links existing in the capture of the crystallized landscape and materialized in the visual-documental representation of the emptied spaces promoted by supermodernity in ZEIS - Ilha de Deus. We use ethnocartography and geophotography as a methodological possibility to understand and give visibility to the existing multiplicities. We find the transitory existence of corpora in multiplicity in Ilha de Deus. The one becomes multiple in a re-signified place, going from signifying places to a significant place.


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Author Biography

Luiz Carlos Silva Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte-Ufrn - Brasil

Master in Geography from the Graduate Program in Geography - PPGe (2021) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.



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How to Cite

SILVA FILHO, L. C. Meeting of the multiplicity in supermodernity in the geo-photographies of the being-mangrove in the ZEIS — Ilha de Deus, Recife-PE. Geopauta, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 4, p. e9756, 2021. DOI: 10.22481/rg.v5i4.e2021.e9756. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.



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