
Ethics, Misconduct, Neglect and Conflict of Interest

The Geopauta magazine values ​​the integrity of the construction of knowledge, the agreement on international ethical standards, expected by all those involved with the publication: authors, editors, reviewers and publisher. Cases of misconduct and negligence will be investigated by the scientific council and in the event of a close relationship with people, institutions or places, attention must be paid to avoid a conflict of interest. In this sense, authors and reviewers are requested to contact the Editorial Board of the Journal in case of evidence: Personal and institutional connections and conflicts (of a family and partisan character) between reviewers and authors;

Geopauta is committed to meeting and maintaining standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process. We follow closely the associations that are references, such as the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE)ABEC, WMADHELSINKI

The Geopauta magazine is a signatory of the good practices recommended by DORA,  (San Francisco declaration ).

We are implementing the SciELO. Guide to promoting the opening, transparency, and reproducibility of research published by SciELO journals: and the Guide to Good Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication:

Open Science Compliance Form:

Controversial cases - Actions against the practice of misconduct and negligence

the cases of controversy and misconduct resulting from the process of submission and publication of articles will be resolved according to the individuality of each case. In this sense, authors and reviewers or any other person are requested to contact the Editorial Board of the Journal in case of evidence of a case of contravention and misconduct by both parties. All parties must have the opportunity to defend their arguments at large;

-In cases where the misconduct is proven, legal measures will be taken to solve the problem or even exclude the article when applicable.