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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is presented both in the field with identification and in the field without identification.
  • Mandatory presentation of the declaration of origin (with the respective copy of the personal document), as well as the publication authorization, duly signed by the author(s).
  • The author (authors), as long as he meets the editorial conditions, will volunteer to evaluate at least one manuscript of the journal, regardless of the result of the evaluation process of its submission.
  • Acknowledge the full knowledge of the Guidelines for authors and the General Norms for publication, as well as having carried out the submission according to the guidelines contained in the tutorials made available by the journal, under penalty of its non-validation and, consequently, its automatic rejection in the system.
  • The abstracts in Spanish and Portuguese were translated by a professional in the foreign language field and were not used in translation programs (under verification penalty and subject to rejection of submission).
  • The URL links in the references are valid and active (DOI links will not be accepted as substitutes for the original links in the consulted publication).
  • The author(s) informed in the text and in the metadata of the system is(are) the only one(s) responsible for the content published in their article(s).
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication in another journal.
  • All system metadata were filled in strictly as indicated in the submission tutorial (non-compliance may invalidate acceptance of the submission).

Author Guidelines


Revista Práxis Educacional is an ongoing publication of the Graduate Program in Education (PPGEd) of the State University of Southwest Bahia (Uesb). It publishes unpublished articles resulting from scientific research, as well as book reviews. Systematic literature review articles are only accepted as long as they present unpublished guidelines for future research. Its main objective is to disseminate research and studies related to the field of education, developed by researchers from different educational contexts in Brazil and abroad.



 1.1 Unpublished papers resulting from scientific research related to the field of education, presented in accordance with APA Style, will be published for foreign submissions only.

1.2 Only papers by doctors, doctoral students and masters students from higher education institutions, as well as other educational institutions (social movements, schools, non-governmental organizations, etc.), will be accepted for analysis with a view to publication. At least one of the authors must be a doctor.
1.3 As part of the submission process, it is mandatory to send the authorization to publish the work, if approved by the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board, as well as the declaration of originality of the text, duly signed by all the authors (only electronic signatures generated via are valid). The templates can be found on the journal's website, following the path: About > Policy > Authorization to publish papers.

1.4 Each manuscript submitted (scientific article or review) will be assessed by the Scientific Committee (double-blind peer review). In the event of a divergence between the opinions, the manuscript will be sent for evaluation to another reviewer until they are duly concurred; in exceptional cases, a decision may be adopted by the editor-in-chief, known as a "consolidation opinion".

1.5 Authors will be informed by message via the system of the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript at each of its evaluation stages (desk review and double blind review).

1.6 Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively through the journal's website (, and may not be submitted by any other means.

1.7 The manuscript submission process must strictly comply with sending the following files in order to be evaluated in desk review (submissions outside this standard will not be evaluated and will therefore be automatically rejected in the system):

upon submission

- file in the appropriate template, in .doc or docx extension (MS Word standard for Windows), with identification of authorship (as long as it does not exceed 2MB);

- file in the appropriate template, in .doc or docx extension (standard MS Word for Windows), without identification of authorship (as long as it does not exceed 2MB);

- declaration of originality* (duly signed by all authors; only electronic signatures generated via are valid), in a single file in pdf format;

- authorization to publish* (duly signed by all authors; electronic signatures, only those generated via are valid);

* in the absence of a valid electronic signature (, it is necessary to include the relevant personal document; proof of physical signatures on documents

- illustrative elements (tables, photos, drawings, maps, diagrams, graphs, etc.), whenever they appear in the text, should be sent in individual files, corresponding to the element indicated. For example: if the text contains figure 1, then a file saved as Fig1, corresponding to the image mentioned in the text, must be included with the other files in the submission. This file must be saved in jpg format and its image quality must be higher than 300dpi, not exceeding 2 MB.

- statement of approval by the Research Ethics Committee, in the case of research involving human beings (this information may be included as a footnote in the text, including the respective authorization number).

when the manuscript is approved (if corrections are indicated):

- file in the appropriate template, in .doc or docx extension (standard MS Word for Windows), with author identification; with the appropriate indication in the text of the changes and corrections made (provided the file does not exceed 2 MB);

- file in the appropriate template, in .doc or docx extension (standard MS Word for Windows), with author identification; duly corrected and suitable for publication, i.e. formatted and standardized according to the template provided (as long as the file does not exceed 2 MB).

when the manuscript is approved (without indicating any corrections):

- some updating of the file may be required.

1.8 All illustrative elements (photos, drawings, figures, images, maps, diagrams, graphs, charts, etc.) must be in JPG format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, so that their dimensions can be enlarged or reduced without affecting their legibility. As described in the previous item, all images must be sent individually in their original files, the name of which must correspond to the type of image.

1.9 In the body of the text, images must be included in the text, always before the item; headed by their respective header titles (in bold) and their caption (in simple formatting), and immediately below their text captions must be presented and their sources recorded; explanatory texts may be used, provided they do not exceed 3 (three) lines. Maps must contain their respective scales and graphic legends. When dealing with material originating from research, the wording should be Source: "research data" or "own elaboration".

1.10 Tables, listed sequentially, must be produced in black and white, using text editor resources, in accordance with the rules in force, in an editable file. Under no circumstances will these elements be accepted in image format in the text.

1.11 Reproductions of illustrations, tables, charts and graphs from other publications will only be accepted if they are accompanied by permission to reproduce, written by the copyright holder of the original work, or an indication of the copyright license.

1.12 Mathematical formulas, if presented in image format, must be indicated in the text as a figure or image; otherwise, they must be created using the text editor's own command.

1.13 The use of footnotes should only be of an explanatory nature, in succinct text, and should be avoided as much as possible. They may not be used for bibliographical notes. They must be properly numbered in Arabic numerals, according to their textual sequence and formatted using the text editor's automatic footnote insertion command, inserted at the end of the text, in 10-point font, aligned to the left with single spacing between lines, containing a maximum of 300 characters (with space) per footnote;

1.14 Acknowledgements, cited in the form of a thank you note, at the end of the text and before the references, should only be limited to when it is necessary to inform the support of institutions or funding agents and may not make direct or indirect references to authorship.

1.15 An appendix or any other type of attachment at the end of the text, after the references, will not be accepted.

1.16 With regard to the length of the work submitted, the following requirements must be met, observing this pagination exclusively in template format; files outside the standard will not be evaluated in the first desk review and will be automatically rejected in the system:

a) manuscripts, a minimum of 15 pages, not including references, and a maximum of 25 pages, with references;

b) reviews, a minimum of 3 pages and a maximum of 5 pages.

1.17 Texts must undergo a careful review of language before being sent to the journal.

1.17 The journal's publication ethics policy: i) complies with Resolution No. 196/1996, of the National Health Council, which establishes the regulatory standards for research involving human beings; ii) sends the final opinion on the manuscript to the author(s).

1.18 Only papers that comply with the current formatting standards of the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT) will be forwarded to the Scientific Committee, regardless of the language of the paper. In the case of submissions from studies carried out abroad, they must follow the APA Style standard. Any work that does not comply with the standards, both in terms of citations and references, will not be evaluated in the first desk review and will automatically be rejected in the system.

1.19 In order to ensure the anonymity of both authors and reviewers throughout the editorial process, the template file (without authorship) will not accept any references that would enable the reviewer to directly or indirectly identify the authorship of its writers during the double-blind review. We recommend using XXX instead of the names of authors and/or institutions to which they are linked. Likewise, files generated by the referees in which they are identified will not be sent to the authors.

1.20 All papers submitted to the Práxis Educacional Journal will be submitted to the Editorial Board, which will analyze their suitability for the Journal's Rules and Editorial Policy and decide whether to reject them or send them to the referees, members of its Scientific Committee, who will then carry out a double-blind evaluation.

1.21 It is up to the Journal's Editorial Board to decide whether or not to publish work approved by the Scientific Committee.

1.22 Once approved, manuscripts submitted to the Práxis Educacional journal may be published in the form of articles or reviews, provided that the journal reserves the right to publish only those texts that duly conform to the cultured norm of the language in which they are presented. In this way, all texts which, after the approval explained in item 1.12, must be submitted to a final textual revision, carried out by professionals selected and appointed by the journal itself, the cost of which is the strict responsibility of the author(s), due to institutional budget restrictions.

1.23 Revista Práxis Educacional reserves the right not to publish articles and reviews by the same author (or co-author) at intervals of less than one year.

1.24 The Práxis Educacional Journal reserves the copyright to all articles published in it.

1.25 The Journal's publication ethics policy: i) complies with Resolution 196/1996 of the National Health Council, which establishes the regulatory standards for research involving human beings; ii) sends the author(s) a conclusive opinion on the article.

1. 26 The assessment of the article by the referees is based on the consistency of the abstract (necessarily presenting the objective, theoretical framework and/or methodological procedure and results); internal consistency of the work (in relation to the objective, theoretical framework and/or methodological procedure and results); consistency of the title (in relation to the knowledge produced); quality of the educational knowledge produced (in terms of analytical density, evidence or proof of the claims made and conclusive ideas); scientific relevance (in terms of the standards of scientific research); originality of the work (in terms of advances in the field of Education) and adequacy of the writing to the cultured norm.

1.27 If necessary, a manuscript that has been approved without restriction may be subjected to minor corrections aimed at improving the text.

1.28 Each article or review may have a maximum of 3 (three) authors, all belonging to research groups. It is compulsory for all authors to be masters, doctors or doctoral students, with at least one being a doctor. When justified, the article may have a maximum of 4 (four) authors. At least one of the PhD authors must be a member of a research group.

1.29 The contributions of each author must be informed when submitting the manuscript, and must be included in the item relating to the author's mini-résumé, at the end of the references (see template). In this process, the journal adopts the CRediT system, whose specification considers 14 different types of authorship roles or contributions: Project Management, Formal Analysis, Conceptualization, Data Curation, Writing - First Draft, Writing - Review and Editing, Research, Methodology, Obtaining Funding, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation and Visualization. More information can be found on the NISO website or on the Scielo website

1.30 The author(s) must submit a declaration that the manuscript is truly unpublished and is not being considered/submitted to another journal. Failure to do so means that the manuscript will not be accepted for desk review and will therefore automatically be rejected by the system.

1.31 An anti-plagiarism tool will be used to analyze the submission's authenticity.

1.32 In accordance with the Brazilian Copyright Law, Law No. 9,610 of February 19, 1998, opinions and concepts expressed in the work, the style of writing, the accuracy, adequacy and fidelity of the origin of bibliographic citations are the sole responsibility of their author(s).

1.33 By spontaneously submitting a manuscript to Revista Práxis Educacional, authors are fully aware of the assignment of copyright for the first publication to the journal. Subsequent publications in other media must be made with prior authorization from the journal and must also refer to the original publication in Revista Práxis Educacional, indicating the year, number and volume; in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License adopted by the journal.

1.34 It is mandatory to have an ORCiD digital identifier (access to new registration All authors must be registered with ORCiD and, in turn, must include them in the author metadata when submitting their manuscript to the portal. Author data in ORCiD will be duly verified and, for those authors, especially foreign ones, who do not have information in their ORCiD records and whose scientific credentials cannot be verified, the manuscript will automatically be rejected in the system, without the possibility of desk review.

1.35 Submissions whose authors do not appear in the portal's metadata, but do appear in some of the files submitted to the system, will not be evaluated in the desk review and will automatically be rejected in the system.

1.36 Dates relating to the submission of the manuscript and approval by the Editorial Board will be taken from the information contained in the system.

1.37 The minimum processing time for submissions is 6 (six) months, but this interval may vary depending on the consistency of the submission, in accordance with the editorial standards, the availability and agility of the ad hoc reviewers and the stability of the system.

1.38 The editorial team will be responsible for ensuring the fairness of the editorial process by answering any questions raised by authors or referees, or any members of the scientific community, about any of the editorial stages.


 Papers resulting from studies and research in education will be accepted. The typing, organization and formatting of the text must follow the following guidelines:

2.1 The works must be typed in the text editor:

  • A4 size paper (21cm x 29.7cm);
  • Right and bottom margin with 2 cm;
  • Left and top margin of 3 cm;
  • Spacing between lines: 1.5 cm;
  • Font Times New Roman, font 12, for the development of the text, except for long quotes, which must contain font 10 and footnotes, which must be in font 10;
  • Alignment justified in text and left justified in references.

  2.2 The works must be presented as follows:

2.2.1 Title (in all three languages) - centered, in capital letters (in the template only, but in the system it must be inserted in Sentence case format), Times New Roman font, size 12, bold. The title must contain a maximum of 100 (one hundred) characters with spaces;

2.2.2 Name of the author(s) - below the titles (separated by single spacing), Times New Roman font, size 12, aligned to the right, followed by their ORCiD ID (numbering only, no hyperlink, e.g. 0000-0000-0000-0000);

2.2.3 Author(s) affiliation - below the author(s) name(s) (separated by single spacing), Times New Roman font, size 12, aligned to the left, containing the full name of the institution, the location of the institution, the city of the institution, the state of the institution and the country of the institution, followed by the author's e-mail address, without hyperlink;

2.2.4 Abstract (in all three languages) - below the affiliation (separated by single spacing), containing a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 250 words, Times New Roman font, size 12, single spaced. The term Abstract, in bold, is placed on the line before the abstract itself;

2.2.5 Keywords (in all three languages), between three and five, must be presented immediately after the abstract in the respective language, single-spaced, in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons (ABNT NBR 6028:2021). The term Keywords must be in bold and followed by a colon. Key words/terms are separated by semicolons and spelled in lower case, with the exception of proper nouns and scientific names.

NOTE: The keywords should preferably appear in the Education Thesaurus (or equivalent controlled dictionary).

2.2.6 Citations, notes and references must follow the ABNT standards in force. Footnotes must be inserted throughout the text; the use of footnotes for bibliographical notes is not permitted:

- citations must be in accordance with recent ABNT standards, using the author-date system;

2.2.7 Abstract (below the Abstract/Keywords) and Resumen (below the Abstract/Keywords), in bold, containing a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 250 words, Times New Roman font, size 12, single-spaced. The terms Abstract and Resumen, in bold, are placed on the line before the text of the abstract itself;

2.2.8 Keywords and Palabras clave, in bold, appear immediately after their respective abstracts, single-spaced, in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons (ABNT NBR 6028:2021). The term must be in bold and followed by a colon. Key words/terms are separated by semicolons and spelled in lower case, with the exception of proper nouns and scientific names;

2.2.9 References should be presented at the end of the text, containing only the works cited. Aligned only to the left margin of the text, with line spacing of 1 and single spacing after the paragraph;

2.2.10 Names of authors, organizers, translators (if any) should be written in the References without abbreviation (e.g. CASTRO, Antônio Santos. and not CASTRO, A.S.);

2.2.11 Charts, tables, graphs, figures (photographs or drawings) must be given before the respective item, as close as possible to the paragraphs in which they are mentioned, headed by their respective titles, and their textual captions must be presented and their sources recorded immediately below; explanatory texts may be used, as long as they do not exceed 3 (three) lines. Maps must contain their respective scales and graphic legends;

2.2.12 The author's title, institution, department, research group, productivity grant, etc. must appear at the end of the text, after the References, with a maximum of 3 (three lines), followed by the obligatory indication of the author's contribution to the work (see 1.29 of the general instructions) and the author's URL (e.g. Lattes).

2.2.13 The review, which must be at least three and no more than five pages long, must include a title in Portuguese, English and Spanish (bold and lowercase) and the reference of the book reviewed;

2.2.14 Each review may have a maximum of two (2) authors, with the respective degrees required;

2.2.15 The review will be judged on its informative, critical and critical-informative clarity; presentation of the knowledge produced in the field of Education; consistency in the synthetic exposition of the knowledge of the book reviewed; adequacy of the writing to the cultured norm of the Portuguese language and to the Norms of the Práxis Educacional Journal.


Copyright Statement

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

a. Authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which allows the sharing of the work with recognition of the authorship of the work and initial publication in this journal.

b. Authors are authorized to assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (eg, publish in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.

c. Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (eg in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any point before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive changes as well as increase impact and citation of published work (see O efeito do acesso livre).

Privacy Policy

The names and addresses given in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses given in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.