Brief News


Feb 2023

- New articles in issue 50! Revista Práxis Educacional reached number 50 in 2023 and continues to publish in continuous flow in this volume 19. Submit your manuscript!

- Qualis A2! Revista Práxis Educacional consolidates the mid-term Qualis and maintains its stratification in A2.

- Article with more than 100 citations on Google Scholar! Have you read the article by Praxis Educacional, currently the most quoted in Google Scholar? Access the journal's link and read this and many other articles published over these 50 issues.
- Indexing on Redalyc! It is now official, the Revista Práxis Educacional is duly indexed in the Redalyc collection, thus consolidating the commitment to be a journal of scientific quality and, therefore, accepted in important national and international indexes. Visit the link:
- Do you want to publish in Praxis Educacional? Find out about the editorial guidelines at the links and and be sure to also read the submission and template tutorials (access at, essential for submissions without inconsistencies.

Happy readings!
The Editors