The sovereignty of the charge: resposibility in Dussel and Ellacuría.implications for a world politics




responsibility, charge, liberation, politics


In the following text, the responsibility stands out according to Ellacuría and Dussel. The first part presents Enrique Dussel's vision of responsibility and its place in liberation ethics. It is about the connection between the meaning of being conscious and responsible, located in the first part, of six, of the architecture; that is, it is the starting point of its positive material principle. In turn, in the second part of the work, Ellacuría offers us a brief, but very dense reflection on the biological foundation of the ethics that he takes up from Zubiri. Perhaps, it is the most lucid expression of the author to address implicit ethics that he left aside, despite assuming it in its own praxis. Finally, it is a matter of problematizing the concepts of responsibility and commission, thus understanding the decisive resumption in politics.


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Author Biography

Enrique Téllez Fabiani, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – México

Doctor por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, bajo la dirección de Enrique Dussel. Profesor de Universidad. Miembro de la Asociación de Filosofía y Liberación (AFyL) y de la Asociación Filosófica de México (AFM) y Miembro del Instituto Nacional de Formación Política. Contribución de Autoría: Reddación y Revisión.


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How to Cite

FABIANI, E. T. The sovereignty of the charge: resposibility in Dussel and Ellacuría.implications for a world politics. Práxis Educacional, Vitória da Conquista, v. 19, n. 50, p. e12002, 2023. DOI: 10.22481/praxisedu.v19i50.12002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 jan. 2025.