Art and uncolonizing aesthetics: a dialogue from the coloniality of seeing
uncolonizing, visual arts, coloniality of seeing, aesthetics, re-existencesAbstract
Decolonial perspectives seek to question and transform the Eurocentric cultural pattern imposed on the contries of the global South, Latin America, Africa and Asia by the movements of invasion, conquest and colonization. The fiel of arts, aesthetics and their various forms of expression also go through this discussion. Thus, this theoretical essay aims to highligt the concept of coloniality of seeing and, based on it, to reflect on the representation in/of the visual arts of indigenous peoples of the Amazônia, as well as to present some Works by the amazonian visual artist Duhigó Tukano in dialogue with the concept of aesthetics of re-existence. We affirm the fundamental role of art, as na aesthetics of re-existence, when it places other narratives and cosmovisions in the scenario of life, enabling a decoloniality of the being that opens up in a critical interepistemic and intercultural dialogue.
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