The interface between rural education and agroecology in the educational projects of Ecoescola Thomas a Kempis
agroecology, rural education, educational practicesAbstract
Rural Education and Agroecology are indispensable parts of the strategy for building a new project for society based on the principle of sustainability and social justice and based on cooperation, appreciation of different knowledge and respect for the different forms of life that constitute the agroecosystems. This article aims to discuss the process of approximation between Agroecology and Rural Education in the educational projects of Ecoescola Thomas a Kempis, highlighting the possibilities of building knowledge committed to the construction of another life project in the countryside. The research was carried out at Ecoescola Thomas A Kempis, located in the municipality of Pedro II - PI, from the critical-dialectical approach. In the data construction process, we used documentary research, semi-structured interviews and dialogue circles. The dialogues established with the research subjects showed that the educational projects developed from agroecology enabled the articulation between the disciplinary contents and the knowledge generated from the experiences of the countryman. In addition, the knowledge produced from these projects promote technical training and student policy, associated with the construction of another life project in the countryside, based on the principles of sustainability, cooperation and the struggle for social transformation.
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