Play, Playful Occupations, Public SpacesAbstract
The human being, through relations between their fellows and the universe surrounding them, created different ways of expressing itself. Games, toys and jokes are some of these expressions and have been present, in people´s lives, historically, in different social groups, ages and genders. Different meanings and significations have being attributed to these practices in accordance with the recreational culture. So, this paper analyzed the ludic experience as a cultural, social and historical manifestation. Faced with the unpredictability of playing and with the possibilities of inventive and creational spaces, we followed the actions of the project "Central dos Jogos" in the city of São Paulo. This was a socio-cultural project that had the mission to spread the culture of playing with the objective of promoting experiences capable of strengthening ties and re-signifying the public spaces. To achieve this purpose, the project promoted the realization of Ludic Occupations. Thus, this research, through the use of cartographic narratives, followed how different people made the public spaces, using games, toys and jokes during those Ludic Occupations.
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