This paper discusses the implementation of the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) and its misalignment with social demands, and presents two possible curricula: one that dislocates a “planning for”, that is, that vertically prescribes the pedagogical work for the school, and the curriculum that dialogues with the real that escapes it, allowing for “planning with”. The discussion proposed here also presents a clear position: to affirm the need for a basic content organization for national education, but not to join the regulatory instruments of pedagogical work, knowing that this is not possible without facing the social political aspect of which she is part. In this sense, through a qualitative approach, we visit what has been discussed about the BNCC and place it in the context of neoliberal policies, which more emphatically in recent years has put the educational policies demanded by society at a disadvantage. Thus, we take as essential the works of Cury (2018), Branco [et al.] (2018), Gonçalves (2018), Sacristán (2017), Sussekind (2014), Freire (1986), among others, that even from different perspectives, are of great contribution to the debate in the curriculum field, and we analyze data made available by the ministry of education via the internet on its official website. In dialoguing with the referenced framework, we perceive the existing BNCC as a prescribed form of curriculum and glimpse a basis that enables a collective and permanent construction.
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