Great Media, Manifestations, Manipulation of student thinkingAbstract
This article aims to analyze the narrative of fighting corruption built and propagated by the media and interpreted in the literary productions of the students of a public school in Bahia southwest, in 2013. In this study, the object of research was the influence of the media in the production of narratives about corruption produced in the literary texts of these students. Therefore, we orient ourselves in the references of Souza (2009, 2016, 2017, 2019). This author affirms that corruption of the State is used to conceal the true corruption that is in the market, since to point to the political corruption selectively was a way of drawing the resources that would benefit the popular classes to direct them for the richest pockets. The study identified the existence of an influences link between the linkages of information by the media and student compositions. In the works analyzed corruption appears only as the action of state political agents, without any reference to financial market corruption or the judiciary. In this sense, it is clear the students made only the superficial and distorted reading, financed by the large media. In this context it was found that students, belonging to the popular classes, became victims of the ideas they reproduced, because it favored the money elite that appropriated public goods and encouraged the reduction of social inclusion policies. Thus, the importance of this study is observed, since the events in 2013 started the crises Brazil is currently facing.
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