Higher Education, Ludicity, Ludic Didactic MediationAbstract
The professor does the Ludic Playful Didactic Mediation supported by playful language with sensitive and cognitive character to easy the student’s Cognitive Mediation. The text’s construction compares metaphorically the mediation to a bridge. The theory sustaining the text is about Mediation (Pedagogic, Didactic and Cognitive), Ludicity (Ludic Education) and Ludic Didactic Mediation using the studies of de Masetto (2000, 2012, 2015), Pérez; Castillo (2002), D’Ávila (2006, 2008, 2014), D’Ávila; Ferreira (2018), Almeida (2013), Luckesi (2000, 2013, 2014, 2018). The Problem-question was what is (are) the students’ conception (s) about Didactic Mediation in Higher Education? This article’s general objective is comprehend the student’s conception(s) about the Didactic Mediation in Higher Education. Moreover, its specific objectives are identify conceptions about Ludic Didactic Mediation through the college students’ opinion and raise problems and perspectives related to Didactic Mediation, according to the Higher Education students. This study relevance is justified by the assumption that to know the student’s conception about theirs Professor’s mediation may foment a possible re-signification of the Professors’ praxis in the university environment. Methodologically, it is a qualitative, interpretative, inductive approach, materialized by a Case Study with a bachelor’s students of a Brazilian State and Pubic University. The research used an electronic mixed questionnaire and interpreted the data by Content Analysis. The inference is that the students recognize the value of ludicity in didactic mediation of Higher Education Professors.
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