Mathematical education, Problem posing, Divergent thinking, Theory of mindAbstract
Purpose: Problem posing has a central importance in the discipline of mathematics and in the nature of mathematical thinking. The purpose of this study was to investigate the explanatory and predictive relationships among the variables of the theory of mind, divergent thinking, and problem posing in the first grade students of elementary school, using structural equation modeling approach. Method: The subjects are 345 students (176 girls and 169 boys) of the first graders of elementary school of Zahedan, using available sampling model. They lived and were educated in the average, urban areas
of the city. Students responded to the theory of mind, divergent thinking, and mathematical problem posing tests. Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyze the data gathered survey instrument. Findings: The data analysis revealed a significant (P<0.05) impact of divergent thinking variable on the outcome of problem posing skills. Interestingly, an indirect impact of theory of mind variable via divergent thinking on the problem posing variable were observed in this study. These findings clearly demonstrated the positive impacts of the components of divergent thinking and theory of mind on the mathematical problem posing. Implications for Research and Practice: remains necessary to further explore the role of mind on the problem posing ability with regard to mathematical education.
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