Pedagogy, Emancipation, Critical-reproductive theoriesAbstract
This article should be understood as a theoretical essay and it aims to critically triangulate the author's previous research, in different educational spaces, to support both the epistemology of pedagogy as a critical theory and the possibilities of this pedagogy's praxis. Therefore, part of the concept of ideology proposed by Chauí and through this concept articulates reflections on the assumptions of critical theory, based on Adorno and Habermas, seeking to highlight the epistemological synthesis of Paulo Freire in structuring the foundations of Critical Pedagogy. In this way, it establishes counterpoints with the “critical” theories of the reproduction of Bourdieu, Passeron, Baudelot and Establet, Althusser and, through triangulations between the authors and the educational praxis, reflects the meanings of emancipation in the present times, seeking to find subsidies for the following research question: Can Critical Pedagogy offer foundations for the construction of emancipatory processes?
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