Field of Education, Pedagogical practice, Multi-years classeroomsAbstract
This text is organized as a cut from the master 's dissertation, entitled: The teaching practice in the Field of Education: a study in multi-years classerooms in Pau dos Ferros city - RN, with the purpose of reflect on pedagogical practice of the teachers of the multi-years classes in Pau dos Ferros / RN. The research started from the following matter of study: how did the teachers develop their practices, considering the multi-years classrooms particularities? It was adopted as methodological approach the conception of qualitative research - the discussions and procedures about the methodological proposal of research was based in the research of Rocha (2013), Crepaldi (2006), Caldart (2004, 2011), Tardif (2002), among other theorists who discuss the thematic at issue. In summary, through observations of teaching practice, as well as the reports of the educators about teaching in the multi-years classrooms, we could see a good relationship between teacher and student, as well as student-student; demonstrating, so, meaningful forms of learning from interaction in group work, but also during the break and in free play, in the school context.
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