Teacher training, Media narrative, SexualitiesAbstract
Human sexuality is one of the elements that allows us to think about the formation of the identities of the subjects and, considering that the school is a space in which multiple individuals are present, with their identity constructs, this text has the following guiding question: What are the contributions of media narratives to the problematization of sexualities in schools? For this, we support our theoretical reflections from the Cultural Studies, by understanding them as a field that analyzes the media as a ground of dispute, in which social groups struggle for the domain. In the course of the text, we advocate the idea that, by taking the media narratives about the different sexualities into the school space, We contribute to a teaching action that values the different students that inhabit the classroom and, still, we seek to demonstrate this by analyzing some characters from the series Netflix, titled Sex Educacion (2019).We conclude, thus, that the pedagogical action with the media to discuss sexuality, enables the process of visibility of these multiple forms of being and being in the world, besides collaborating with the formation of teachers and teachers committed to a cultural policy implies that they contemplate all students and students in class in their social and sexual dimensions.
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