Candomblé’s traditions, School education, Transvestitiness and transexualitiesAbstract
Transexual people’s presence within Candomblé and classrooms have been demanding that both the worship and teachers’ training communities recognize the material body of the subjects of the religious experience and the teaching-learning, beyond the essentialisms treated as natural traditions. As well as the material body matters for the relationships within the worship community, on education the body that learns is also important to think of how it learns and what it teaches within otherness relations. We aim at reflecting on how the traditions may receive new meanings by discussing our experiences, narratives form Candomblé’s history and also the educational experience with transvestites and transexuals. It receives theoretical contribution from the works by Ruth Landes (2002), Judith Butler (2015) and Emmanuel Lévinas (2010), among others. The essay develops as a reflection on the experiences of the authors with its subjects. Its results are thought of as basis for educational public debate with transvestites, transexuals ans female-to-male people within Candomblé and classrooms, advocating for their lives and happiness.
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