Initial teacher training, Supervised practice, Training diariesAbstract
The teaching action records begin during the initial training and they are part of the professional daily life of the teacher. The work develops from the following question: can the teaching action records in the supervised practice be considered a formative experience of the Early Childhood Education Teacher? This study has sought, therefore, to reflect on the teaching action records, in the supervised practice period, as a formative experience of the teacher during Early Childhood Education. The methodology used was based on the qualitative approach, through an exploratory documentary
research carried out in training diaries belonging to early childhood education interns when they were performing their practice at a municipal day care center in the city of Fortaleza-CE. The data reveal that the set of training diaries of the students participating in this research is an overview of the reality of teaching action in the supervised practice period. It was concluded that the writing about what was experienced in school and the moment of sharing these experiences with peers provided a new look over what it was lived and the school reality. This action contributes to the formation of the subjects, because it is a form of articulation between theory and practice in a reflexive way. This is due to the fact that it is not only a question of reporting what happened, but also try to understand what was lived and in the light of the theory transform daily life from a reflection on the way it is done, generating action- reflection-action.
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