Teacher training, Education for ethnic racial relations, Exitus and Praxis Educacional MagazineAbstract
This study is about the training of teachers for ethnic-racial relations. The research was motivated by the intention to compare the scientific production on the subject in two different regions geographically and ethnically, one being predominantly indigenous and the other, Afro-descendant, with the perspective of unveiling what academic publications from these regions examine and suggest about teacher training for ethnic-racial relations. The guiding question was: what academic education magazines in the area of teacher training for ethnic-racial relations publish in regions predominantly afro-descendants and what they publish in predominantly indigenous regions. What are examined and suggested for this training? The regions of Santarém-PÁ and Vitória da Conquista-BA were chosen because they brought together a large number of indigenous and quilombola ethnic groups, respectively, and for having academic magazines in the field of education at local universities (Exitus - UFOPA and Praxis Educacional - UESB). This study involved research of bibliographic exploration whose data collection consisted of the search for scientific productions in this magazines in the period between 2011 and 2020 centered on the markers "teacher training" and "ethnic-racial relations". We infer that predominantly the described productions deal with the curricular adequacy for the teaching of ethnic-racial relations for the implementation of the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations in the light of Law no 10.639 / 03, there is no suggestion of techniques or methods for the teaching of ethnic-racial relations and all productions aimed at people of African-descent.
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