Social justice or distributive justice is a central theme of moral philosophy, as well as for the orientation of public policies involving the distribution of social resources. In the sociology of childhood field, this dimension has been studied mainly when it comes to the child's relation to social welfare, type and degree of his participation in the benefits provided by the State, and the nature and content of childhood policies as well. However, childhood is out of the current debate that discusses the meaning of social justice. Like other topics, the people leading the knowledge creation are adults who share with their peers a misconception of childhood as “not-being” and children as “who will be, but not yet". But it is not necessarily adequate the argument of those who reflect on justice, understanding it as how the different people who compound society could receive equal treatment, to find their link with the language of childhood sociology, when it requires acknowledgment of children's abilities or their right to hold social benefits themselves. This article will be based on the analysis of Nancy Fraser's proposals to show its applicability to the children's position concerning justice.
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