Fight for housing, Childhood and city, Women and ChildrenAbstract
This article, derived from the research “Images of São Paulo: housing and struggle in central and peripheral regions of the city from imagery representations created by children” aims to reflect on the encounters lived within the July 9 Occupation, which occur monthly to Sundays, as well as a meeting for children held at Ocupação Mauá, located in the central region of the city of São Paulo, SP. What plots link the elaboration of menus for Sunday lunches? What is involved in the act of serving and being served in meetings watered by good food and many people? And when these practices take place in an Occupation resulting from the struggle for the right to housing in one of the largest urban centers in the country, what does this imply? What does lunch mean, followed by other actions taking place in the same physical space, such as shows, lectures, exhibitions in which children are considered as fundamental subjects to these actions? We infer that the presence of the Occupations and their artistic and social activities contribute to the processes of transformation of the environment, changing the ways of dealing and living in the places where they are located. The text is divided into two major moments -art and food - in which women and children meet, configure and build ways to fight for the right to housing and the city, revealing those and those who suffer from constant attempts to erase and silence people. their humanities in the context of cities.
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