Training, Teacher, Pedagogically oriented TeachingAbstract
The issue concerning professionalism of teachers at all levels of education is among the most urgent ones that pedagogy is facing today. Nowadays, the increasingly complex society requires the teacher to have a quality educational/didactic competence able to encourage a well-structured learning and the development of an authentic personalized subjectivity in the students. In this perspective, the analyses made by E. Stein concerning teachers’ training to make them competent in the building of knowledge processes (gnoseology), in disciplinary epistemologies, and the ones concerning the ways to regulate the formulation of judgment (logic), must be considered
valuable. Starting from this acquisition, this contribution will meditate on how nowadays a teacher can be pedagogically trained to be competent, both in the disciplinary structure and in identifying the educational aims of the learnt knowledge. As we will see, knowledge, the epistemology of disciplines and the logic of thinking, far from representing only the purpose of teaching, will constitute the means by which the teacher will promote a way of teaching oriented in a phenomenological-hermeneutical sense, as creator and developer of autonomy of judgment and of value-related responsibility.
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