Life Stories, Training, Elderly’ CaregiversAbstract
This article aims to reflect on the life stories of elderly’s caregivers, as a method of investigation in itself and as a (self)training modality in a professional context. In a process of building life stories we share the memory of individual parts of life, which become formatively meaningful for narrators as well as for the researcher who can thus question new modalities of epistemological realization. The article is based on an investigative process with caregivers of elderly people. Listening to their voices constitutes, from the outset, the recognition of the value of their lives, which highlights the political relevance of life stories in the personal field, as well as of research, as a manifestation of
the understanding of each subject as a participant in the process of building social knowledge. The oral production, carried out during the interview of the social actors who are narrated, allows the subject to surrender his or her own story, exalting what is his or her identity and transmitting it, little by little, to the researcher. The life of each is a creative expression that, when made known to the ears and analysis of the researcher, tends to create controversial interpretations and questionings, enhancing new formative and epistemological possibilities. The life of each is a creater expression that, when made known to the ears and analysis of the researcher, tends to create controversial interpretations and questionings, enhancing new formative and epistemological possibilities. The results of the study showed that life stories served three important dimensions: 1) the self-awareness and (self-)trainig of the participants, 2) our access, as trainer-researchers, to their knowledge and 3) the epistemic value of life stories in the field of knowledge about professionals of human.
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