Capitalist reformism and the contradictions between new school movement and socialist education
capitalist reformism, new school, socialist educationAbstract
Education in face of life in society modified by 20th century industrialization and the consequent implication of capitalist social order, in the ideals of work and human education, have induced reforms in the educational system that long, still in the 21st century, layered, on one hand, by the tradition of New School Movement, and, on the other hand, by socialist tradition. In addition, in this force field, the reforms continue placed, putting obstacles to human emancipation, to social transformation and to popular sovereignty. The present paper exams this problematics grounded in two fundamental works: Lourenço Filho’s Introdução ao Estudo da Escola Nova [Introduction to the Study of New School] from the 20th century, and István Mészáros’ Education beyond Capital, from the 21st century. It questions the logic of dependency, hierarchization and verticalizacion of work relationship from the industrial world transposed to the educational field by means of arrangement centered mainly of the agreements of the 1929 Fifth International Conference. That logic resulted in the negation of the elementary ways of daily Brazilian life, and besides, in an education adapted to mercantilism dictates, of a utilitarian ethic and to the state of thing of man, fragile by the state subordination of production system and by the tyranny of political authoritarianism
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