Art, visibility and interactivity: a new way for image assessment
arts education, virtual useums, educational technologiesAbstract
This research aims to investigate the potential of Virtual Museums insertion in the process of teaching / learning of Visual Arts in public schools of Roraima. We seek from work corroborates the promotion of teaching through ICT in times of digital culture. We seek to understand, the current school encourages, its use during the teaching / learning process. We use qualitative research and demonstrate throughout the research, how ICTs are strong allies with education, contributing to the creation of an active and reflective subject and that from the teachings to take a critical stance. The number of Virtual Museums freely available on the web is a positive point in terms of enabling innovative experiences for students, allowing them a different class, connecting ancient art knowledge through contemporary technologies. In addition, they are spaces that allow the development of teaching / learning at various levels, including: emotional, cognitive and sociocultural. The interactivity that the space provides is also attractive to the students, making the experiences more a playful and constructive space, and from that, capable of raising the critical sense and artistic expression of each one.
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