


Propriedades figurais, Função exponencial. Abordagem ponto a ponto.


This paper presents a methodological proposal for the teaching-learning process of exponential function, based on Raymond Duval's Theory of Semiotic Representation Registers, for the procedure of global interpretation of the sketch of curves of exponential functions. This strategy seeks a broader look to the study of the object of knowledge in the graphical representation of exponential curves, compared to the point-to-point approach conventionally used in its study in high school contexts, since the sketch is understood as a representation of an object described by an algebraic expression. The global figural interpretation allows to establish connections of mathematical representations between the algebraic and graphical registers, so that it is perceived the links between both, while highlighting the dual representation of the same mathematical object, with different contents and meanings.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, P. C., Ortiz Souza, A. ., & Lourenço, E. H. (2022). THE TRACING OF CURVES OF EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS BASED ON THE THEORY OF SEMIOTIC REPRESENTATION REGISTERS. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 11(01), 92-110.