Ideology, memory, forgetfulness and the redefinitions of places


  • Alexandrina Luz Conceição


Esquecimento, História, Ideologia, Lugar, Memoria


This article aims to reflect the memory-forgetting confrontation in the space of power and power in space, the ideology and the resignifications of places. We consider that the places of memory are a historical construction and the interest they arouse comes, precisely, from their value as documents and monuments that reveal social processes and conflicts. The denial of class conflict watches over relations of domination and naturalizes them, while naturalizing reality to present it as inevitable, with natural and insurmountable limits. The State becomes responsible as a co-author of the mechanisms used to erase the memory, put the facts into oblivion, creating a false awareness of the real, using the power of ideology, redoing the function of places as it instrumentalizes actions to mask the social reality and erase the historical past. In this direction, we reaffirm here our responsibility to rescue the traces of that past that are violently hidden under the fetish of forgetfulness, trapped in the ideologization of making forget the conflicts that determine the process of class struggle, the denial of making forget.

Keywords: Forgetfulness.History. Ideology. Place. Memory.


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How to Cite

Conceição, A. L. (2020). Ideology, memory, forgetfulness and the redefinitions of places. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 3(1), 25-39. Retrieved from



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