


Formação de professores, Feminicídio, Justiça social


In this work we analyze a sequence of teaching for the formation of teachers, which addresses the concept of feminicide and that was designed from the perspective of teaching mathematics for social justice by a math teacher a math teacher, attending postgraduate studies. The teacher's work reveals the way she understands feminicide and we discuss her vision, confronted with the legal figure of this concept, established in Uruguay by the Law on acts of discrimination and feminicide. The study carried out offers evidence that the teacher seemed to confuse female homicide with feminicide and that this view is reflected in the teaching sequence. This could lead the recipients of the sequence, future mathematics teachers, to the formation of a wrong view of this social and legal figure.

Key words: Teachers training. Feminicide. Social justice.


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How to Cite

Vigo, V. M., Ochoviet, C., & Pagés, D. (2020). LA VISIÓN DEL CONCEPTO DE FEMICIDIO EN EL PROFESORADO DE MATEMÁTICA. UN ESTUDIO DE CASO. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 8(2), 110-126.