


Gamification, Methodology, Video game, Gender


The following article aims to employ the use of gamification in the classroom through a gender perspective. The socio-cultural context changes continuously and, therefore, teaching practices need to evolve as society demands changes in this era of empowerment of discriminated social groups. This whole situation conflicts with the educational helplessness offered by national education curricula, since they do not protect teachers when it comes to dealing with this socio-cultural disconnect with students. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use the gamification in the classroom, in order to connect the teaching practice to the student's; social universe. Throughout this article, several concepts will be developed about what gamification means, how it influences teaching practice and how it can be implemented in teaching units. To conclude, the characteristic components of cultural industries will be analyzed and an interpretation will be made of how these products cause a gender bias and how the media message can be acquired for use in the gamified classroom.


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Author Biography

Pablo Soto Casás, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela - Espanha

Pablo Soto Casás es Estudiante de doctorado en el Programa de Marketing Político, Actores e Instituciones en Sociedades Contemporáneas por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC), España. Investigador del Centro de Investigación Feminista y estudios de género (CIFEX) de la USC. 


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How to Cite

Casás, P. S. (2020). THE USE OF GAMIFICATION WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE IN THE CLASSROOM: DIFFICULTIES AND BENEFITS. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 9(1), 81-99.